About Us

Maah Khatoon

(Ladies Group)

While contemporary society has provided us with means to maintain connections across great distances, it has simultaneously deprived us of the joy of gathering in person. The vast variety of choices offered by modern society adds complexity to daily life and fosters confusion within the community. Our organization, named Maah Khatoon, which translates to ‘Lady of the Moon,’ aims to blend modern technology with Persian culture and traditions. Through our website articles, in-person events, book clubs, and personal development workshops, we seek to articulate and promote Persian culture. The main objective of Maah Khatoon is to bridge generational gaps and acquaint future generations with the richness of Persian culture and traditions.


Parisa Meshkinpoosh
I’m Parisa Meshkinpoosh, the founder of the cultural group Maah Khatoon. Let me share a glimpse of my past. As a child, I was exceptionally lively and a dreamer. I had a deep affection for cartoons and movies, particularly fantasy films featuring enchanting fairies who granted wishes. After a considerable number of years, I rekindled my fascination with the magical realm through Harry Potter movies, this time with my son. My love for reading, literature, and poetry is a legacy passed down from my father. Despite his profession as a chemical engineer, my father dedicated much of his leisure time to reading books, indulging in poetry, and even pursuing poetry as a personal hobby. When I turned 30, I embarked on a quest to discover the meaning of life. Throughout this journey, I delved into numerous psychology books and acquired valuable life skills through various workshops. This exploration revealed to me that I possess the enchanting qualities of the fairy characters I admired in movies, and I can fulfill wishes by spreading joy in society. In addition, I established this website to disseminate the wisdom I acquired during my personal journey, assisting others in discovering their own paths and spreading joy alongside the Maah Khatoon team.

Fatmeh Farzanpour
In middle school, I decided on a path focused on helping and providing guidance to others. Despite choosing humanities and literature in high school, there were concerns from teachers and the dean who believed pursuing such a career in Iran would be futile due to limited job opportunities. Nevertheless, I remained steadfast in my decision, knowing I would have regretted not pursuing my dreams. I am Fatmeh Farazanpour, holding a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling. Through years of work and volunteer experiences, I have come to realize that enhancing societal knowledge is the most effective route to foster a healthier psychological state of mind
